Variety show set for Friday at Backus

Summer is a time to relax, to laugh at life, to share some goodness, and to take in some great talent in our community.
In the spirit of our past “Broadway on the Border” shows, which were so popular, “Summer on the Border,” slated for this Friday (July 25) at the Backus Community Center in International Falls, will bring back a few of our veteran actors, singers, dancers, and musicians—as well as add some new folks to mix up the program a little.
Laugh at the verbal timing of “Who’s on First,” Monty Python’s “The Argument Clinic,” and “The Gas Man.”
Celebrate summer with “Knee Deep in June” and the incredibly talented Junior High girls doing “Salsa Heat” (done recently at Darcie Schulz’s dance recital).
Melissa Friesen, winner of the United Way talent show back in May, will sing “The Girl in 14G” and wow our socks off!
Doug Skrief and Tom Aitken team up one last time for “Poor Jud is Daid” from the musical “Oklahoma,” plus Skrief and Vicki Olson sing “Money, Money” from “Cabaret.”
High school singer Shelby Thorstad will sing “Strawberry Wine” while Gary Hooker and Joel Haas will do instrumentals. And don’t forget Nancy McBride will be singing, too!
A surprise comedy/dance skit also is in store Friday night.
You’ll be treated by versatile musician Myron Hawrylak as he plays and sings his own composition, “Our Day.” He has done background music for many Backus and Townshend Theatre productions, and is a star performer!
The “Charleston” girls will be up dancing their legs away while talented musician Jill Warner will sing “Our Last Summer” with her incredible voice in addition to accompanying others on stage.
Add Jeff Adams’ Icebox Radio Theater’s “The Crossing Guard” and you have quite a composite of material to make a summer evening extra special!
Backus Auditorium is known for its great performances that celebrate life, excellence in arts, and zany humor in our community. You will love this performance and go home humming many of the tunes and sketches.
The variety show also marks director Beckie Aitken’s final production in Borderland as she is moving away.
“Personally, it has been a real pleasure to live and grow in this wonderful and beautiful border community,” said Aitken.
“It is with great regret that this will be a final production that I can be involved with the directing aspect of a show on the Backus Auditorium stage,” she added.
“I have grown to love these old buildings, learned their rich history and the families that shared in their stories.
“The future holds in store more of what the terrific people, in this area, will make of it,” Aitken continued. “Thanks for the opportunities you have given our family while living here.”
“Summer on the Border” will start at 7 p.m. this Friday at the Backus Community Center. Tickets, which will be available at the door, cost $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under, and $25 for family passes.
Advance tickets also are available at Betty’s in Fort Frances, as well as Thrifty White Drug, City Drug, and Backus Community Center in the Falls.
Proceeds from this event will benefit curtain, light, and sound improvements for the auditorium.