Upon closure of two Fort Frances elementary schools this week due to COVID-19, Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) recommends the immediate suspension of all indoor extra-curricular activities for those aged 4-11 in the Fort Frances, Emo, and Rainy River areas. “Indoor extracurricular activities should not take place currently in these communities. […]
Currently, there are 61 active cases of COVID-19 in the Northwestern Health Unit region. Today we received reports of five new positive COVID-19 test results in the Emo Health Hub region, four new positive COVID-19 test results in the Sioux Lookout Health Hub region, two new positive COVID-19 test results […]
Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Sturgeon Creek Alternative Program (SCAP) in Emo. By provincial definition, an outbreak is declared when there are 2 or more COVID-19 cases in a school and the case and contact follow-up does not show probable links outside of the school […]
Over the weekend, Calvary Baptist Church in Emo announced on Facebook that a congregation member had tested positive, with several others reporting feeling unwell and waiting test results. In-person service were suspended as a precaution. On Saturday, two school staff members were reported positive for COVID – one at Donald […]