Recognize moments of superior quality

I live my life from a one-inch bright red notebook—a very full notebook, with 25 identifying tabs.
First is my daily routine, from morning coffee until my nightly ritual of cleaning the kitchen sink before I go to bed.
Then is my ideal daily diet, including five grains, five veggies, four fruits, yogurt, dark chocolate, and other healthy foods. Next is my daily calendar and a long, long list of “to dos” which I never finish.
Among the tabs are what’s in the freezer, shopping lists, finances, TV channels, garden plans, menus, orders I have placed, my doctor’s name, and, most of all, goals.
I’m a great one for refining and re-refining my goals.
The first page is my lifetime goals, which I wrote in 1982. And they still stand.
Since I’ve always loved to write, my goals are mostly about writing. But goals 8 and 9 are about lifestyle.
Number 8 is “Live a simple, uncluttered life—minimalism.” And #9 is “Be in touch with nature—grow things, create from scratch, utilize creative economy, remain free from the tyranny of money.”
Also very important is #13: “Create a strong support group of significant others.”
The next page of goals is something I copied years ago from one of the 800 books I own. It is page 61, but I have no idea from which book. So if anyone who reads this column recognizes the title, please let me know! I’d love to read the whole book.
The page begins with a question, “How do you recognize moments of superior quality?” Then follows a list of how you know when something special is happening.
When you’re absorbed in what you’re doing, you feel as if you’re using all your potential. When you’re so energized, you could do 10 times as much.
And the last one: “You’re blissful. Everything is perfect.”
The one that I had highlighted years ago was, “You smile and say to yourself, ‘This is the greatest.’”
After typing in that last line, I realized I was smiling and I easily could have said, “This is the greatest.” That tells me that many of my superior moments come when I am writing.
Other superior moments are when I’m with friends and family—my “significant others.”
But I couldn’t decide whether playing computer games creates “superior moments,” or does it just waste time.
On one hand, the mere mention of playing bridge or solitaire makes me smile. But on the other hand, it isn’t productive and I feel half-guilty about wasting so much time.
Last Sunday, my son helped me out. “Remember,” he said, “you need recreation.” That’s right! So now I can enjoy my superior moments of computer games.
At the end of the page I copied from the unknown book, there is an instruction in all caps:
What excellent advice! So think about it right now. What gives you your greatest pleasure? What are your “superior moments?” Are they social or career related? Are they when you’re singing or when you’re talking?
Are they with family or when you’re alone?
Ask yourself the questions and make sure you have some “superior moments” every single day.
(If you recognize the book referenced in this column, please e-mail

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