Friends, family and community members of Rainy River First Nations (RRFN) and beyond-surprised Joe Medicine, right, with a joyous party to celebrate the printing and release of his book Good Medicine on Sunday, July 3, at the pavilion next to the RRFN veterans monuments. Medicine said he’s been working on his book since 2007, and while spiral-bound copies have been made on a case-by-case basis in the past, Sunday’s celebration marked the first time Medicine had seen his book in a traditionally-published format. The book is the story of Medicine’s life, from his childhood years spent in a Residential School to his wrongful arrest for murder in the United States, to overcoming addictions and arriving at the place and person he is today. The book also contains journal entries copied directly from the numerous journals Medicine has kept over the years. Described as a “man of few words” by those around him, Medicine nevertheless stood and thanked those assembled for turning out to surprise and celebrate with him, and signed several books for fans and family alike.
– Ken Kellar photos