‘Mamma Mia’ just one of the highlights last week

I, too, was one of the lucky ones who went and saw “True Up North Mamma Mia.” My friend and my engineer student also went and checked out the show and cheered on my other music student.
Shannon talked a lot about the show prior to it taking place, so it definitely was on our to-do list.
The poor girl didn’t know we would be such critics on Friday morning that we filled her full of our thoughts (pretty brave of us since you didn’t see us on stage!)
Still, it was an excellent show with lots of good laughs.
Shannon has now left us and is back to school. We all wish her a great year, but miss her already!
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Thunder Bay Television came in and did a couple of stories this past week. They were here at the agricultural research station talking about the bio-grass trial and then did a story on the construction of the new regional abattoir in Emo.
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We had a little get-together for Lisa Teeple, who celebrated her 50th birthday.
Be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday if you see her around!
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I attended another wedding over the weekend and it likely was one of nicest I’ve ever been to.
Dolly Teeple and Paul Evans were married at their home on Crow Lake. Paul and his groomsmen flew over us before landing the beautiful plane and making likely one of the greatest entrances I’ve seen!
Paul and Dolly will have many years of good times and laughs. I wish them the best!
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We are working hard to get things harvested here at the research station. The weather has been co-operating of late, but because of the cool summer, things are just not ready to go.
We were close to frost here Sunday morning–the overnight low dropped to .6 Celsius—and I honestly don’t know if our soybeans will ever have beans!
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I have a million loads of manure to haul at home and will sow some second cut after we’ve had a killing frost.
Sometimes my volunteer work really cuts into getting stuff done at home, but I don’t know if anyone truly ever gets caught up–so I will keep working away on my many projects.

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