Perfect score still elusive

The perfect score of “25” has eluded the weekly skeet shooting crew at the Fort Frances Sportsmen’s Club range for a few weeks now, but a few of the veterans were right on the doorstep this past Tuesday evening.
At one time it wasn’t uncommon to see shooters tally three or four perfect scores a night, but that has looked almost unreachable as of late.
Len Noonan led the way with rounds of 21, 24, 20, and 23 while Jeremy McGuire fired off rounds of 24, 22, 21, and 19.
Other shooters included Tony Manuge (22, 18, 22), Jerry Koslucker (19, 23, 20, 19), Harvey Perry (21), Ted Brockie (21), and Paul Fisher (20, 18).
Maybe we’ll see a perfect “25” next Tuesday.