Mustangs cap season against tough field

The Sunset Country Ford Atom ‘AA’ Mustangs completed their season with another strong performance—this time against a challenging field at the sixth-annual “Minnesota Meltdown Open” in Minneapolis over the weekend.
“It was our first ‘AAA’ competition,” said Mustangs head coach Mark McCaig, whose team finished 2-0-2 in their pool before losing 5-1 to the Minneapolis Ice Hawks in Sunday’s ‘B’ final.
“That was the first time the kids experienced body-checking and they responded very well,” he added.
The team opened play at the 10-squad tournament Thursday night with a 2-2 tie against the Minnesota Thunder.
They beat another Minneapolis-based squad 8-0 on Saturday morning but then settled for a 3-3 tie against Northeast Wisconsin that night that eventually kept them out of the ‘A’ final.
After beating the Rink Rats (Minneapolis) 3-1 on Sunday morning, they met the Ice Hawks.
Overall, the Mustangs—the last local ‘AA’ rep team to wrap up their schedule—ended the season with a 71-9-5 record (including tournament and league play).
They also racked up five ‘A’ or ‘B’ titles out of the eight tournaments they entered.
The team will hold a year-end wind-up later this month.