Skip Ken Noble, along with teammates Bob Allcorn, Rudy Hutka, and Len McCormick, made their mark at the Fort Frances Curling Club last Wednesday with a stunning eight-ender.
“One of these is so rare. Your chances are better to get a hole-in-one in golf than an eight-ender in curling,” noted club manager Rick Grenda.
An eight-ender means the team was able to get all eight of their rocks closer to the centre than their opponents.
The game took place in the senior league Wednesday afternoon against a team skipped by Joe Danku, along with Doug Medhurst, Mel McFayden, and Bert Falk.
“He got the eight-ender in the very first end,” said Grenda. “And then he stole another two points in the second end.
“Finally Joe got on the board and scored two in the third,” Grenda added,
But Noble then bounced back with three more points in the fourth end.
“At that point it was 13-2 for Ken,” Grenda said. “Joe had enough—they shook hands and called it quits.”