Lake Despair hosts another great bass tournament

Lake Despair Lodge was abuzz of activity early Sasturday morning as 65 teams left the dock to try to “catch the big ones.”
And after two days of “hard, hot fishing,” Wayne Howard and Jason Cain placed first with 24.82 pounds of bass, followed closely by runners-up Mark Wilson and Glenn Ward (24.38 pounds).
Pat Cross and Steve Ballan wound up in third place with a total weight of 22.50 pounds.
The word around the lodge was that it was a great tournament. A large crowd of fans showed up for the weigh-ins, as well as to enjoy a cold beverage or some good food (provided by Bev Falloon and her helpers).
Hats off to Bill and Nelli Godin, and all their helpers who work so diligently to make this tournament happen every year.
Next year will see the sixth-annual “Castin’ for Cash,” so be sure to mark this event on your calendar—it’s one of the many good things happening in our community.
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Another event that promises to be enjoyable is the Devlin/La Vallee slo-pitch tournament that runs from today (Wednesday) through Sunday at the Devlin ball park.
There also will be food booths and beer gardens, and a dance is planned under the big tent at the ball diamond on Saturday night. Don Manty will be providing the music, and age of majority is required to attend.
Come out and enjoy the weekend!
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Congratulations to Melanie Bragg and Dan Jones, who were wed in Scotland on June 22. Melanie’s brother, George, walked her down the isle and gave her away to her new husband.
Angela Shute (Melanie’s niece) was a bridesmaid while Dan’s sister-in-law from Toronto also was in the wedding party.
They held their reception in London with a large number of Dan’s uncles, aunts, and cousins. Dan’s parents travelled to Scotland and England for the wedding (they live in Fort Frances).
Dan and Melanie spent three weeks abroad while Angela and George also travelled Paris and Amsterdamn.
Our community wishes Melanie and Dan all the best in their married life.
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Sympathy to the family and friends of Opal Mann, who passed away Sunday (July 10). Opal spent many of her years in La Vallee, then she had lived in Emo for the later part of her life.
Our community is thinking of you all at this sad time.
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Many folks have noticed the diseased-looking jackpine trees in our area. Hopefully this won’t play great havoc with our forests.
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Children aged seven-12 are invited to attend the Northern Echo Bible Camp on July 29-Aug. 4 at Sunny Cove. The cost is $95, but sponsorships are available.
For more information, call Lynita at 482-2560.
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The Guthrie United Church in Devlin is looking to hire lifeguards for its church camp, which is slated July 25-29) at Sunny Cove.
If you’re interested, call Rev. Frances Flook at 482-2835 (work) or 482-1548 (home).
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Cribbage winners at the Emo Legion last Wednesday were Gerald and Lorraine Bullied, with the runners-up being Donna Morrish and Adelia Guba.
Darlene Bruce won the draw prize.
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A reminder the next Bingo at the Emo Legion goes tomorrow (July 14). The next seniors’s dance this is slated for Saturday, July 23.
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Robin’s 2¢:
A group was discussing the advantage of having a good alarm clock in the bedroom.
“I don’t need a bedroom clock to tell time,” one man said. “If I wake up in the middle of the night, all I have to do is reach over and pat my wife on the cheek.
“Immediately she’ll say, ‘Don’t touch me! It’s three o’clock in the morning!’”