Despite the unusually mild weather that’s melted all the snow and weakened the ice on area lakes, the first-annual Canadian Kitty Cat championships are still slated to run here Saturday.
The event–which is part of the KC Pro East Racing Club circuit–will go on Sand Bay in front of Rusty Myers Flying Service. Races begin at around 11 a.m. and will continue until late afternoon.
Fort Frances also will be hosting the Roetin Cup Series, which will attract Formula 1 drivers from the KC Pro West division circuit.
“I think it will be okay as long as we don’t get more warm weather,” organizer Al Boivin said yesterday morning.
Boivin said he’ll be in contact with KC officials tonight and they’ll decide then if they’re going to still make the trip here.
The lack of snow and warmer temperatures have been a nightmare for Boivin as he prepares to host about 30-40 racers, aged four to 10. He’s been checking ice conditions on a nightly basis and confirmed there was two feet of blue ice near where the races will be held.
“The main thing is the safety of the racers but I think we’ll be okay,” said Boivin, whose son, Curtis, will be among those competing here. “The long-range forecast is calling for cooler temperatures at night.
“I didn’t think it would be like this. We had ideal conditions two weeks ago until we got that [warm weather] for a week, which ruined it,” he noted.
Admission is free, and concession stands will be available for drivers and spectators.