The Emo Devlin Barwick Minor Hockey Association welcomed everyone to its 2000 Initiation Jamboree held Saturday. The motto for the day was “Hockey for the fun of it.”
About 125 players–along with their coaches, parents, and friends–enjoyed the games. No scores was kept and penalties were rare.
“The jamboree is a fun type of hockey event designed to develop skills and interested in minor hockey,” noted convener Carrie Baker.
“[It] promotes fair play, sportsmanship, and the initiation program while minimizing competitive play and individual and team awards,” she added.
Each game consisted of three, 12-minute straight time periods, with no body checking. Each team was guaranteed three games.
For their award, each player from the teams involved received a participation jersey.
A puck chuck, sponsored by Skates and Blades, was held in conjunction with the jamboree. A penny table also was set up, and a door prize was raffled off afterwards.
To cap off the day’s activities, the upstairs was used as a hospitality centre, where juice, coffee, and dainties were available. Movies also were shown that kept the kiddies entertained.