Drop-in lacrosse league looking to recruit more players

By Daniel Adam
Staff Writer

Ian Jodoin spent some time in Winnipeg for schooling. He saw some lacrosse there, especially during a teaching placement at Glenlawn Collegiate which had a field lacrosse team.

He says he’s always loved the sport and wondered why there’s no lacrosse in Fort Frances.

“It’s a big part of Canadian culture, and I think it’s something that we should definitely have in town,” says Jodoin.

So he wanted to establish it here, starting as just something for him and his friends to do, with the hope of maybe someday having a league for kids to get into the sport.

“Especially since we’re such a hockey town through and through, lacrosse really fills that spot of an offseason sport,” he says.

Now, Jodoin is looking for folks to drop in and join weekly lacrosse games at the high school field. He says the only real equipment requirement is a stick, and he has some extras anyway.

He says field insurance is looked after, so participants can play for free. He had originally listed the age requirement as 16 or older, but has recently opened it up to students as young as Grade 9.

Last year, they tried doing weeknights, but this year, they’re planning to do Sunday evenings. Jodoin says he hopes to start in about two or three weeks.

Though he had 30 people signed up last year, games usually saw about 8 people show up. This year, he’s got less people, but more consistent participants, so he’s expecting a better turnout.
For those who don’t know, lacrosse is a field game where players carry and pass a small ball in a net at the end of their sticks. Similar to hockey, there are nets and goalies.

Find Fort Frances Lacrosse League on Facebook to let Jodoin know you’re interested.