The local curling club said it needs a solid turnout of members at its semi-annual general meeting Wednesday night in order to tie up loose ends—notably the potential impact of a proposed non-smoking bylaw.
“We had hoped we would have representatives at the [public meeting] tonight,” club president Bill Gushulak said Tuesday. “What I’d like to do between today and tomorrow [Wednesday] is gather more information from our members.
“The board acts on behalf of the membership in order to take a stand on something. [Tomorrow] is their opportunity,” he added.
The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the curling club.
Gushulak said whatever feedback the board receives from the membership will be used during a presentation at the third public meeting on the smoking bylaw issue slated April 30.
In related news, Wednesday night’s meeting also will look to elect or re-elect directors to the board. Four of the eight current directors’ two-year terms end this year.
Gushulak said any member is welcome to run for a director’s seat.
Preliminary plans for upcoming fundraising drives and building maintenance plans also will be discussed Wednesday night.
The curling club boasts more than 500 members, but has been getting little turnout to these meetings.
“At our last meeting, we had only 15 or 20 people show up and that’s not enough,” said Gushulak. “We’d just like to get some general feedback from our members.”