Church bonspiel needs more teams


The 48th-annual church bonspiel is raring to go tomorrow, but it’s not too late for more teams or individuals to sign up.
The event will run from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Fort Frances Curling Club.
Lead organizer Bill Gushulak said late yesterday there currently are seven teams participating, hailing from Zion Lutheran, St. Mary’s, and Knox United in Fort Frances and St. Thomas Aquinas in International Falls.
“Eight, 10, or 12 teams participating would be ideal and simple to schedule, so anyone still interested in registering is encouraged to jump aboard,” noted Gushulak.
Those interested can call him ay 274-3891 or 275-9252.
Although teams of four would be perfect, Gushulak added individuals also can contact him and teams will be made up accordingly.
Curlers can be of any age.
The fee is $25 per person, which includes curling, lunch, and awards.
As in the past, regular curling rules apply and the scoring is patterned to work with this type of bonspiel format, noted Gushulak.
The top two teams receive awards courtesy of Green Funeral Home in Fort Frances.
In the past, the second-place team was responsible to host the next year’s bonspiel, but that’s no longer the case as Gushulak already has volunteered to look after it.
“Very simply, an open invitation is being put forward at this time to encourage more participants,” he remarked.
The two annual trophies, which record the first- and second-place finishers since 1967, also will be on display tomorrow.
“They offer a rather unique collection of Fort Frances/International Falls curling history and usually stir up many fond memories,” noted Gushulak.
The engraving updates on these are donated each year by Fort Frances General Supply.
Gushulak also said the public is encouraged to drop by and cheer on their favourite team.
Admission is free.
As well, the restaurant will be open to the public.