Woman hoping to inspire volunteerism


She has volunteered for decades, and helped raise thousands of dollars.
Now Fort Frances resident Marjorie Katerick hopes her nomination for a national volunteer award will encourage others in the district to volunteer.
“We are now in a new year and the beginning of a new decade,” noted Katerick, who hopes her nomination for last year’s Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award will “be an inspiration to others, as well­.
“Also that the present and generations to come will see the importance [of volunteering], and that they, too, can make a difference.”
As a volunteer, Katerick was well-known for being the top fundraiser year after year for the local Terry Fox Run. Having participated for 15 years, she raised more than $21,000 towards cancer research.
Reaching her fundraising goal in 2008, she still helps out with the run and participates, although she has stepped back from the fundraising part of the event.
Katerick first learned of her nomination for the Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award after receiving a letter from its selection committee back on June 25, 2008.
The national award was created in 2001 by the Government of Canada to commemorate the volunteer work of Thérèse Casgrain, and honour Canadians who also have dedicated their lives to volunteering.
While Katerick wasn’t chosen as a final recipient for the award, which was presented in Ottawa on Dec. 4 to coincide with the International Volunteer Day (Dec. 5), she did receive a letter of congratulations and thank you for her volunteer service over the years.
“On behalf of the National Selection Committee of the Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award, I wish to recognize all nominees for dedicating themselves to improving the lives of their fellow Canadians and for encouraging others to do the same,” reads the second letter from committee chairperson Marlene Deboisbriand.
“Your achievements are inspiring and serve as a wonderful example for others.”
With this in mind, Katerick wanted to urge everyone throughout the district to “get on the bandwagon” when it comes to volunteering—whether it’s helping out with Meals on Wheels, shovelling a neighbour’s sidewalk, community policing, the Terry Fox Run, or anything to make the community a better place.