The numbers have been tallied and students in Fort Frances raised just under $9,500 in the fight against cancer through Terry Fox Runs.
J.W. Walker alone brought in $5,500 after students there were challenged to raise at least $4,000.
Their reward was to see five teachers get their heads shaved last Wednesday afternoon.
Robert Moore School, meanwhile, raised $1,534.30 altogether—triple from last year.
The school held a competition where the classroom that raised the most money would be rewarded with a pizza party—a prize Mrs. Bodnarchuk’s class claimed after raising $134.
St. Michael’s students in JK-Grade 3 also were out busily walking for Terry Fox last Wednesday, raising $230, while students at St. Francis raised $289.
And tying in their efforts with Homecoming, Fort High raised $1,918.70 this year for Terry Fox—up from the $1,062 raised last year and nearly doubling their goal of $1,000.