Peggy Revell
Sidewalks on the east side of Armit Avenue between Church and Front Street have been pegged for permanent removal by the Town of Fort Frances.
“As a result of being a low volume residential street, the Operations and Facilities executive committee recommends that the sidewalk on the east side of Armit Avenue from Front Street to Church Street be eliminated re-landscaped and sodded,” noted a report approved by council at Monday evening’s meeting.
Meanwhile, the west sidewalk along Armit Avenue between Church Street and Nelson Street will be removed and replaced.
According to the report, this work will be completed by the fall of 2011.
The report notes that the Operations and Facilities executive committee completed a site inspection of the sidewalks along this section of Armit Avenue on Sept. 7, 2011.
The report also noted that the removal and reconstruction of existing sidewalks isn’t affected by of phase two of the Active Transportation Study where it has been proposed that two 1.5 meter wide bike lanes be installed on each side of the asphalt surface along Armit Avenue from Third to Front Street.
Also at Monday evening’s meeting, council:
•received a verbal report from Mayor Roy Avis re: the AMO conference on Aug. 21-25;
•approved AMO conference travel and per diem claims for Mayor Avis and Coun. Paul Ryan;
•approved AMO conference travel and purchase card expense claims for Fort Frances CAO Mark McCaig;
•approved 2012 budget timetable;
•approved a report regarding East End Hall to apply to the Enabling Accessibility Fund to make the hall handicapped accessible;
•approved the supply and installation of pedestrian signals for crossing (north side of intersection) Central Avenue in east to west direction or vice-versa and crossing Second Street in south to north direction or visa-versa be included in the 2012 budget process, and that southbound traffic on Central Avenue be given its own traffic phase;
•denied a request to retain the trees planted on a town boulevard as requested by Dr. C. Begin, with the option to have the town purchase the trees at a reasonable cost and relocate them to the waterfront;
•approved a report that will see roadwork on Eighth Street East between Victoria Avenue and Christie Avenue be included as a capital project within the 2012 budget and go through the normal budget process;
•rejected a tender bid received from Hammond Landscaping Ltd. for the supply of Parks & Cemetary flowers for a three-year term, and directed that administration follow the same process used in 2011 to obtain quotes from the local greenhouses or nurseries for 2012 flower supply;
•approved the renewal of an airport hangar lot lease to Eldon Mose;
•approved report re: retaining BMA Management Consulting Inc. to complete financial plans for water and wastewater systems;
•approved a report concerning the maintenance cost of solar panels wherein all on-going solar maintenance tasks will be performed by the Operations and Facilities Division for a one year period commencing once all four installations are producing electrical power, and that a separate general ledger account be established to track and record all maintenance costs and that after one year of operation, evaluation the maintenance requirements and costs and make any adjustment in the delivery of the maintenance services at that time;
•approved a report that will authorize the update to the Criminal Background Check Policy, which will now include criminal background checks for all new hires;
•approved a report for the purchase of a “bronze table” sponsorship for the Riverside Foundation for Health Care’s ”Mardi Gras” fundraiser coming up Saturday, Oct. 1 in the amount of $500;
•referred a request from the Rainy River Future Development Corp. re: a demolition grant application to Administration and Finance executive committee for recommendation;
•referred an advertisement request from the Fort Frances Times re: the NW Ontario Vacation Guide Map to Administration and Finance executive committee for recommendation;
•proclaimed Oct. 26, 2011 as “Child Care Worker and early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day” in the Town of Fort Frances, as requested by CUPE and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care;
•approved a bylaw to approve the purchase of a handicapped transit bus from Macnab Transit Sales Corp. (tender 11-OF-08);
•approved bylaw to approve a contract with Wilco Contractors Superior Inc. for the supply and installation of wildlife control fencing at the Fort Frances Municipal Airport (tender 11-OF-10);
•approved a bylaw to approve a proposal from Honeywell Building Solutions to prepare an energy and facility renewal report with respect to certain town facilities (tender 11-OF-05);
•approved a bylaw to approve a memorandum of understanding with Ontario Early Years Centre (FIREFLY) with respect to continued delivery of core early-year child services by the Fort Frances Best Start Hub;
•received a request for a meeting from the Fort Frances Public Library Board; and
•received a notice of the Treaty #3 Area Economic Opportunities Conference 2011 to be held Sept. 28-30 in Kenora