Town getting more Moffat fund dollars

Duane Hicks

The Town of Fort Frances will be receiving $50,000 from the Moffat Family Fund this year to redistribute to local worthwhile causes, and is looking for groups to submit applications for a piece of the pie.
Human Resources manager Aaron Petrin the amount marks a 30 percent increase from last year, which means more groups will be able to benefit from the fund.
“It’s an excellent opportunity for local charitable groups and service clubs to positively impact our community,” Petrin noted.
The town dispersed $38,750 to 10 groups last year, and in the recent past has received about $37,000 each year.
Back in December, 2001, the Moffat family entrusted $100 million to the Winnipeg Foundation, which, in turn, is responsible for investing the money and distributing it to communities in need.
In 2002, Fort Frances applied for—and was chosen to be—one of these recipient communities.
That first year, the town was allocated $33,000 to divvy up.
Year after year, the town—along with other communities once served by the Moffat family’s cable television business—is eligible to receive some of the interest from that $100-million investment, with the amount varying somewhat from year to year.
“It’s an endowment that doesn’t require us to match any funding or resources . . . and it helps out local groups, helps out the community,” said Petrin.
“It’s a very positive thing and we really do appreciate it.”
Petrin said organizations are encouraged to start submitting their requests for a portion of the funding, along with supporting rationale.
Applications for 2015 are available at the Civic Centre starting at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.
They’ll also be available online at
Applications have to be submitted by 4 p.m. on March 12.
As in previous years, non-profit organizations are welcome to apply but must keep in mind that funding proposals must benefit children, families, and the “less advantaged.”
The application must be to “make a request for funding to support a project that would contribute to the betterment of the community,” said Petrin.
All applications must be a registered charity and have a charitable number.
If they do not, their application will not be considered.
Organizations from outside Fort Frances whose activities do not have a direct benefit to town residents also are not eligible.
The local Moffat Fund committee, which is an advisory committee to council, will review the applications, choose recipients, and forward those selections on to the Winnipeg Foundation for approval prior.
The Foundation will make its final approvals by May 30.
Successful applicants then must file a report with the town by June 30, which, in turn, will submit them to the Foundation.
Successful applicants will receive their share of the $50,000 during the July 14 council meeting.