Tips on recognizing, preventing strokes

A stroke damages the brain and causes a sudden loss of brain function.
It is important to know the warning signs of a stroke and seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.
With the following symptoms, see your physician or report to the emergency department:
•sudden weakness, numbness, or tingling in the face, arm, or leg;
•sudden temporary loss of speech or trouble understanding speech;
•sudden loss of vision, particularly in one eye, or double vision;
•sudden severe and unusual headache; and
•sudden loss of balance, especially with any of the above signs.
There are many risk factors for a stroke, including some we cannot control.
I would like you to consider the risk factors you can control—and consider making changes to make a healthier you:
•know and control your blood pressure;
•be smoke-free;
•manage your diabetes;
•control your blood cholesterol;
•eat a healthy, low-fat diet;
•be physically active;
•achieve and maintain a healthy weight;
•limit alcohol use; and
•reduce stress
If you are having difficulty managing any of the above risk factors and feel you need assistance, call the Stroke Prevention Clinic at 274-3266 ext. 4208.
Leave a message and I will return your call.