Tips for dealing with wolves

The Ministry of Natural Resources has provided the following information on wolves:
Wolves are shy and generally avoid humans. However, they can lose their fear of humans when they learn to associate us and our surroundings with easily-available food.
When this happens, wolves may become visible during daylight hours. They may be seen feeding at waste disposal sites, and may approach camping areas, homes, and humans, increasing the possibility for conflict.
If you encounter a wolf:
•Stop. Face the wolf. If you are with others, stay together as a group.
•Do not approach the wolf or harass it, and do not feed the wolf.
•Make sure the wolf has a clear escape route.
If a wolf approaches you or acts aggressive (i.e., growls or snarls):
•Leave room for it to escape.
•Raise your arms and wave them in the air to make yourself look larger.
•Back away slowly while remaining calm; do not turn your back on, or run from, a wolf or any other wild animal.
•Make noise and throw objects at the wolf.
•Use whistles, personal alarm devices, or commercially-available pepper spray to frighten an approaching or threatening animal.
Keep pets safe. Cats and small dogs may be seen as prey by wolves while larger dogs may be seen as competitors.
To avoid having your pet injured or killed in an encounter, consider the following:
•Feed all pets indoors. Do not leave pet food outside.
•Do not allow pets to roam.
•Walk dogs on a leash at all times, including on trails in forested areas (this keeps them safe and prevents a frightened dog pursued by a wolf from leading it to you).
•Do not leave pets unattended outside.
•If pets must be left outside unattended, keep them in a kennel with a secure top (wolves can jump into fenced yards, and dogs confined by chains are vulnerable to attack).
•Spay or neuter your dogs. Wolves are attracted to, and can mate with, domestic dogs that have not been spayed or neutered.
Managing attractants on your property:
•Keep household waste properly stored in containers, and place them inside sheds, garages, or other enclosed structures.
•Put garbage at the curbside the morning of the scheduled pick-up, not the night before.
•Keep pet food indoors.
•Don’t feed wildlife such as deer to prevent attracting wolves to your property; remove deer food and salt blocks.