Thrift Store limiting time for donations

the Salvation Army

We are very grateful to the community of Fort Frances for generously donating your used goods to the Thrift Store.
Many of the items you have donated have been appreciated by others, and the profits we make are being used to help those less fortunate through our family services and food bank programs.
As of Sept. 1, the Salvation Army Thrift Store only will accept donations during normal business hours (i.e., Monday-Friday from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)
Donations will not be allowed to be dropped off at night or on weekends. This is because donations left outside often are tampered with or stolen.
Poor weather conditions, such as rain and snow, also can ruin items left outside.
Please be considerate when donating to the Thrift Store. We encourage everyone to recycle their valuables if they could be of use to someone else.
Goods left over from garage sales and rummage sales will not be taken in.
We only will be accepting clean clothing and household items in good condition.
 Keep in mind the cost of garbage disposal increases our expenses, which could be better used to help the less fortunate in our community.
We appreciate your consideration. It eliminates hours of extra work, and allows us to focus on our customers and their needs.
We also want to remind the community that we have surveillance cameras—and trespassers will be prosecuted due to the high cost of the garbage left behind.
Please remember that by helping us, you are helping the community in need.