Subway to open soon

With the signs up and construction almost complete, the new Subway franchise located in the old Sunset Shell location is set to open next month.
“Almost everybody I talk to is excited about it and can’t wait until it opens,” said franchise owner/operator Harvey Perry.
Perry said the store will be opening either May 8 or 15. He is waiting for some specialty equipment on order from the U.S. to arrive before that date can be confirmed.
“It’s coming along very nicely,” Perry said from the location this morning, with sounds of work crews in the background.
Construction began in earnest in March, and contractors now are just putting the finishing touches on the site.
Perry said he plans to employ 10-15 people for the restaurant that features a variety of sub sandwiches. He added he hoped Subway will be a welcome addition to restaurants in Fort Frances.
“I think it’s good food, healthy food,” he said. “I’m hoping it will do very well.”