Students getting ready for ‘famine’

Several students at Fort High are gearing up for an important annual event. Like thousands of other Canadian teens, they will be participating in the 30-Hour Famine.
The “famine,” which aims to raise money for World Vision Canada and its projects, will take place at FFHS in mid-April. As the name implies, participants will fast for 30 hours.
But it is not only about raising money. The “famine” also makes participants realize what it is like to go hungry. After 30 hours without food, one can see and feel changes in his or her body, mind, and demeanour.
Contrary to the image that one might get of dozens of students strewn about in the J.A. Mathieu Auditorium in a state of starvation, there will be entertainment at the event, including board games, movies, a miniature carnival (without the food), and even some fortune-telling.
Some of the projects the “famine” supports are child labour relief in India, deforestation in Cambodia, and relief to child-headed households in Rwanda.
If you are interested in being part of the 30-Hour Famine, or if your business would like to donate equipment or food for the meal afterwards, please contact Jordan Roy through FFHS (274-7747).