Donald Young School’s inaugural career fair for students in grades seven and eight last Friday passed the test with flying colours, scoring high marks with both teachers and students.
DYS teacher Kim Bolen and principal Nancy Fretter, who organized the fair, were all smiles as students from their school, Sturgeon Creek, and Crossroads stopped by to ask questions of about 35 professionals who set up display booths in the gym.
“I think it went very well,” Fretter said. “The kids were really involved.”
Career booths ranged from hairdressing to piloting, teaching to trapping, small businesses to large corporations (there was even a booth on journalism manned by your’s truly).
Fretter stressed the career fair wouldn’t have been possible without such a positive response from the district’s business community.
“The people who came were really great,” she said. “The ones I had spoke to were happy they had come.”
Students also seemed to be happy they had come. Kelly Nielson, an eighth grader at DYS who is aiming to attend teacher’s college some day, said the career fair gave some helpful hints in pointing the way.
“This is good for people going into high school so they know what courses to take,” she added.
Nielson also said she picked up quite a few interesting facts at the hairdressing booth; if not for a career, then at least for personal information.
Vaughan Wilson, in grade eight at Sturgeon Creek, said this was the first time he or any of his classmates attended a career fair.
“It’s pretty good,” he noted. “There’s quite a selection. It really gives you an idea of what you want to do.”
“I wish I had this when I was 12,” said Sturgeon Creek teacher Wayne Barron. “These kids at this age should start being aware of the many careers out there.
“I’ve heard some kids say, ‘I didn’t know that’s what’s you do in that job,’” he continued. “This opens their eyes. And maybe some kids have seen careers here they haven’t thought of.”
Fretter said the success of this career fair would help determine whether similar ones would be held in the future, perhaps even incorporating all of the rural schools instead of just the three.
“I’m interested in getting feedback from the teachers and students,” she said. “And see if we do it again.”