Student job centre to open

The Fort Frances Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students (HRCC-S) will be holding its grand opening to the public tomorrow (June 4) from 2-4 p.m.
There will be cake and refreshments, as well as a draw to win prizes for both students and employers.
The office is ready to assist businesses and youth with their summer employment needs. Last year, the HRCC-S filled more than 190 jobs with secondary and post-secondary students.
“Since 1968, young people have come to us for help in finding summer employment,” said office supervisor Myron Hawrylak.
“In the coming weeks, Summer Employment officers will be contacting local employees to discuss their summer employment needs, and to make them aware that our office is open and ready to assist them in any way it can,” he added.
HRCC-S offices link youth and employers. They provide young people with job opportunities, interview advice, resume building, job search strategies, and offer job-posting and pre-screening services to employers.
All of our services are provided free of charge.
“There is an increasing demand for a skilled workforce in Northwestern Ontario,” said local MP Bob Nault. “The skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity of our young people are key to our future growth in the district.
“By working with local employers, they can help students develop skills while gaining valuable summer work experience. This will help them prepare for a rapidly changing world of work.
“This government recognizes the importance of helping students find work for the summer,” Nault added.
This year, the office will be located at 301 Scott St. (in the post office building). Its hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Employers interested in using our services and students looking for summer employment can contact the Fort Frances office at 274-7724.
The HRCC-S is part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy. The strategy is a key initiative of “Knowledge Matters,” the federal government’s Skills and Learning agenda.