St. Francis School staff, as well as staff at the United Native Friendship Centre here, will receive the “Recognition of Excellence” for their exemplary dedication and commitment during tonight’s regular meeting of the Northwest Catholic District School Board.
“The staff of St. Francis School comes together as a team on a daily basis to provide a safe and secure learning environment for their students,” principal Kim Anderson noted in her report to the board.
“On any given day, you will find a teacher, education assistant, or custodian helping a student, whether it is helping the student with homework, fixing a zipper on a winter coat, or taking care of a student who is ill,” Anderson indicated.
She specifically cited school secretary Laura Haner, who often “flies under the radar” for all she does for both our staff and students.
“Laura is a hard-working, organized individual who always goes the extra mile to help others,” Anderson wrote.
“The staff always knows that they can go to Laura when they need any kind of help.
“Laura has also helped created a warm and welcoming environment for staff, students, and visitors,” Anderson added.
“I am proud to be part of such an outstanding team of people here at St. Francis School.”
Meanwhile, Danielle Spuzak, Tara Henttonen, Tiffany Clifford-Smith, Christa Bruyere, Karen Chowan, and Robert Bombay, along with on-call staff member Kerry Zub, also will be recognized for volunteering their time to prepare breakfast for the “Breakfast Buddies” program at St. Michael’s School.
“The ‘Breakfast Buddies’ program takes place each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning before school starts and is available for any student who would like to have breakfast,” explained principal Darlene Fejos Rousseau.
“This program is run entirely free of cost to the school and to families, and supports many of our students in having a great start to their day,” she added.
Also tonight, the trustees will:
•hear a presentation from Sacred Heart School principal Susan MacLellan and Child and Youth worker Jill Foran;
•look to adopt for submission to the minister of education the 2015-16 school year calendar; and
•hear reports regarding school capital consolidation.
The meeting gets underway, via videoconference, at 6 p.m. at St. Francis School.