Press Release
AbitibiBowater Inc. will be conducting burning of the residual branches and treetops that remain after logging operations.
The objective of burning is to remove the material in order to permit reforestation of the land, to reduce forest fire risk, and to improve visual aesthetics in our forests.
Burning occurs anytime after Oct. 1 of each year and continues as weather conditions permit.
The Ministry of Natural Resources, AbitibiBowater, and its contractors carefully monitor these operations as the safety of everyone is most important.
Visibility may be reduced in the vicinity of these operations.
As logging occurs throughout the Crossroute Forest, so does slash pile burning. As such, exact locations or timing cannot be communicated through this media.
Maps are available at the Fort Frances MNR Fire Centre and the AbitibiBowater Woodlands office.
Should you have specific concerns, contact either the MNR or AbitibiBowater.
The Crossroute Forest is managed by AbitibiBowater under Sustainable Forest Licence #542245 issued by the MNR.
The Crossroute Forest extends from Lake of the Woods east to Sapawe, and from the U.S. border/Quetico Park border north to Nestor Falls, Manitou Lake, and Clearwater West Lake.