Sexual health in spotlight

Press Release

Feb. 12 celebrates Sexual and Reproductive Health Day, which aims to create awareness and providing information regarding sexual and reproductive health topics.
The focus for this year’s campaign is about increasing awareness of prevention, testing, and treatment of the sexually-transmitted infection (STI) chlamydia.
Chlamydia is the most common bacterial infection in Canada that most often affects sexually-active males and females aged 15-24.
It’s known as the “Silent Infection” because 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females infected do not experience symptoms.
But if left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications.
Chlamydia is easily-diagnosed by a urine test and is simply treated with antibiotics.
Being treated, as well as having sexual partners treated and abstaining from sex for seven days after treatment, prevents re-infection.
Testing and treatment is available through your family physician, nurse practitioner, or the Northwestern Health Unit’s Sexual Health Clinic.
It is important to seek STI testing if you are planning a pregnancy or are pregnant.
Regular use of condoms is your best protection from being infected with chlamydia.
The Northwestern Health Unit offers confidential, accurate, and non-judgmental sexual health clinic services and resources.
For more info, contact your local Northwestern Health Unit.
Sexual Health Clinic hours or visit
For more information on sexually-transmitted infections, visit