Seminar to address new gun legislation

Fort Frances OPP hope to answer gun owners’ questions about the new firearms legislation during a free presentation tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Civic Centre.
“He’s going to present everything,” said Cst. Cam Howard, referring to Kenora OPP S/Sgt. Doug Carlson, who will be doing the presentation.
“S/Sgt. Carlson is a verifier of guns and an inspector of documents so he should be able to handle questions from both ends,” he added.
Under a 10-year transition phase, the legislature gradually is being implemented. One thing S/Sgt. Carlson will address is the steps this will take, including the fact gun-owners must have their firearms licensed anew by next year.
“He’ll also answer questions about storage and classification,” noted Cst. Howard.
The transition between old and new guns laws has been somewhat problematic despite OPP officers here having undergone training on the subject.
“I think the confusing part is now. Some problems arise when we are still using old documentation and gun owners already have the new documentation,” Cst. Howard admitted.
“But the service training staff keeps us up to speed–it’s changing,” he added.
S/Sgt. Carlson also will have literature on the changing legislation available at tomorrow night’s meeting.