Salvation Army working throughout community this summer

By Allan Bradbury
Staff Writer

The Fort Frances Salvation Army has been working hard this summer, as usual, to provide needs for the community through a number of different programs.

Ryan Daw is a services co-ordinator with the Salvation Army in Fort Frances and has been working with different community groups this year.

“We had the After the Bell program or the camps program, that happened at the museum with Sam (Manty) that provides healthy snacks for children,” Daw said. “So we’ve been providing fresh fruit and vegetables to feed the children throughout the summer.”

Salvation Army also sponsored a week-long day camp which was free to access for kids from the Fort Frances area as well which was done in conjunction with After the Bell which is a program created by Food Banks Canada.

The Salvation Army is also partnering with the Backpacks For Kids program which collects school supplies for kids in need throughout the Rainy River District.

Another project that Daw has been involved with is a program at Front Street Manor.

“RBC and Salvation Army came together to teach people with disabilities, both mental and physical, how to cook and become independent,” Daw said. “We’ve done lasagna, we did a barbecue, we did a pizza night and next is burritos. It was great to have RBC step up to the plate and help fund the program at Front Street Manor. I couldn’t do that cooking course without them and the clients absolutely love it.”

Daw started the program when he started in his role as services co-ordinator.

“I wanted to start new programs to help people in the community,” Daw said. “I reached out to Front Street Manor and said we should co-ordinate, and we came up with this idea together to build a program to help the clients and let them know that the Salvation Army is there if they need the foodbank and we’re also there just to touch base and teach them how to cook.”

Another program Daw runs helps transport addicts looking to get into treatment programs.

“We also do community outreach with the homeless and advocate for the homeless,” Daw said. “Getting them shelter and doing things like that … We also advocate for jobs, temporary housing and a whole bunch of different stuff to help people in the community.”

The Salvation Army also continues to run the local food bank which is always looking for donations of food, money or people’s time.