Residents still being allowed one free bag of garbage

Town council agreed Monday night to continue the practice of allowing Fort Frances residents one free bag, or type ‘A’ container, of garbage per week in 2007.
A report from Operations and Facilities manager Doug Brown noted that in 2004, 2005, and 2006, council had approved that multi-residential establishments with three-six units receive one free bag tag per rented unit per week, and that all type ‘A’ containers and receptacles would require a bag tag be affixed.
No untagged containers or receptacles could be put out for collection from these multi-residential dwellings.
On the other hand, single family dwellings and duplexes were allowed to put out one type ‘A’ container or receptacle without needing a bag tag affixed to it.
Brown noted the proposed 2007 operating budget has the waste management services subsidized by taxation in the amount of $140,595.
“It is unclear at this point in time if the town wants the waste system to be a stand-alone utility or to be subsidized by taxation,” he said.
“There are only two revenue sources where the rates could be adjusted upward to make up this taxation subsidy—the tipping fees at the landfill site or the practice of allowing a free container or receptacle per week per household or for multi-residential establishments [three-six units].”
Brown said council had to make a decision promptly whether or not to continue allowing one free container or receptacle in 2007.
“This is to ensure that owners of multi-residential establishments with three-six self-contained living units can come to the Civic Centre during regular business hours starting Monday, Dec. 18 to receive one free bag tag per rented unit for a half-a-year period [26-week period].
“A similar exercise will take place starting Monday, June 11, 2007 for the remainder of the year.”
Brown said determining this detail as soon as possible was necessary in order to inform the public of the town’s intent prior to the new year.
Council approved the report, meaning residents of single family dwellings and duplexes will be allowed to continue to put out one “free” bag/type ‘A’ container of garbage per week in 2007.
Meanwhile, owners of multi-residential establishments with three-six self-contained living units are encouraged to come to the Civic Centre starting next Monday (Dec. 18) to receive one free bag tag per rented unit for a 26-week period.