Local resident Terry Parks will speak to town council tomorrow night about fencing issues.
He has several concerns regarding a neighbour’s fence, and feels it has not been constructed in accordance with the town’s fencing bylaw.
Council will hear Parks’ concerns.
Tomorrow’s meeting, which is being held a day later due to the municipal election, will be attended by the current mayor and council.
The new mayor and council won’t be sworn in until Dec. 1.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., at which time the committee of the whole will meet in-camera to discuss two items.
When it is done discussing those, the public session will resume in council chambers.
Other business on the agenda includes:
•a recommendation re: requests for information from Gillons’ Insurance;
•a recommendation re: supply of 2015 Parks and Cemetery flowers;
•a recommendation re: a request from the “Friends of the Museum”;
•a recommendation re: a letter from The Beer Store;
•a recommendation re: awarding a tender at the water treatment plant;
•a request from L.G. Phillips, Barrister & Solicitor, re: Carmody properties on Pit Rd. #1;
•a request from Jack and Camie Gray re: sewer line issues;
•a bylaw to authorize renewal of a joint-use agreement between the local public school board, town, and Confederation College to provide for operation and maintenance of the Townshend Theatre;
•a bylaw to remove term limits of appointments by council to town boards and committees;
•a bylaw to approve a contract, awarded to Tradewind Scientific Ltd., for the supply and installation of an electronic runway surface condition inspection and reporting system at the Fort Frances Airport;
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp., under the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Program, for financing of a Northern Community Capacity Building Program Project; and
•a request from NOMA for support of a resolution passed by the City of Kenora re: NOMA requesting intervener status in the Trans Canada Pipelines’ Energy East project.