What councillors should receive for remuneration, and if council’s structure should continue to include six councillors and a mayor, will be recommended tonight when the Council Structure and Remuneration Committee submits its final report.
This committee was formed last summer in the wake of a 4-3 vote by council to withdraw an amended bylaw that would have seen the mayor and council get their benefits paid for in addition to their current salary.
The committee’s mandate was to:
•investigate and report to council on what is considered to be appropriate remuneration to members of council and council appointees to boards and committees of council that currently receive remuneration; and
•review and recommend to council on the optimum number of members that town council, as a body, should be comprised of in order to effectively discharge their responsibilities of office.
The committee is chaired by Dan Belluz.
Meanwhile, economic development officer Geoff Gillon will be on hand for tonight’s council meeting to make a presentation regarding more traffic signage to better direct tourists who come to Fort Frances.
He will outline a plan which includes signage:
•to direct tourists to Highway 11/17, as well to the waterfront and business district; and
•to designate parking areas for tourists to encourage them to stop and stay here longer.
The plan already has been supported by both the Downtown Core Committee and the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC).
The EDAC has requested council pay $3,500 to implement Phase I of the plan, and to give EDAC direction on proceeding with the development of Phase II, which will include more signage at the border crossing.
If given the go-ahead, Phase I of the project would be completed within a 30-day period this summer.
Tonight’s council meeting is scheduled to start at 6:45 p.m. It will be preceded by the committee of the whole, which meets in-camera from 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Other business at tonight’s meeting will include:
•a presentation from Jon Evans of BDO Dunwoody regarding the 2004 audited financial statements for the Town of Fort Frances;
•a presentation by Dale Smyk of Emergency Management Ontario, who will be giving the town a certificate for its completion of the essential program as required under the Emergency Management Act;
•reports from executive committee chairpersons on division activities;
•a break-open ticket licence application from the Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau to sell tickets at the Makabi Inn from June 14, 2005 to June 14, 2006;
•a letter of concern from the Fort Frances Gymnastics Club regarding the club’s water bill for April;
•a request from the Border Figure Skating Club regarding reduction of fees for use of facilities at the Memorial Sports Centre;
•a report from Rick Hallam, Superintendent of Planning and Development, regarding school crossing guards;
•a request from the Business Improvement Association for approval to drill holes in the street to secure canopies for Scott Street’s 100th birthday celebration coming up Saturday, June 25; and
•a request from Coun. Struchan Gilson to allow commercial vehicles to access the international bridge from Church Street as opposed to being forced to go to the end of the line on King’s Highway on days when there are long line-ups.