Rainy Lake still rising

As residents begin sandbagging to protect lakefront property, there’s no end in sight for the rising water level on Rainy Lake.
“Water levels are still going up,” Rick Walden, engineering advisor for the International Rainy Lake Board of Control, said Tuesday.
“Rainy Lake is presently at 338.51 metres [1,110.60 feet] and it’s still rising in the neighbourhood of 16 cm [6.3 inches] a week,” he warned.
By yesterday, water levels had risen 79 cm (31.1 inches) above normal.
“Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Our best estimate at this point in time, subject to further rain, is it is likely to continue to rise another 24 cm [nine inches],” Walden said.
Lake levels rose sharply after the torrential rains two weeks ago that caused massive flooding, leading Rainy River District to be declared a disaster area.
Another downpour fell here Saturday.
In the almost 100 years of taking readings, current lake levels are the highest since 1950, when the lake was measured at 339.23 m (1,113.0 feet).
There’s little that can be done to stem the rising waters. All 15 gates on the dam at Fort Frances have been opened for almost two weeks but water if flowing in faster than it can go out.
“Keep watching water levels and protecting property as best [you] can,” Walden urged lakefront home and cabin owners.