Rain dampens fire hazard: MNR


Storm systems tracked across the Northwest Region on Tuesday and yesterday, dropping the fire hazard to “low” in most parts of the region except the far southern portions which received less rainfall, the Ministry of Natural Resources reported.
But heavy lightning also was recorded with these storm systems, so this may result in new fires in the coming days once the weather clears, it warned.
There were 12 new fires by day’s end Tuesday, but no new fires yesterday.
There were 78 active fires in the region as of this morning.
The only ones in Fort Frances District include four in Quetico Provincial Park, which started earlier this month and in July but continue to be monitored.
Support continues to be provided to Ontario, with firefighters from B.C. and Minnesota and overhead staff from Alberta, B.C., New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Minnesota, for a total complement of 172 people from out of province.
Quebec also is providing four heavy waterbombers.
In total, Ontario is operating 13 heavy waterbombers, two Twin Otter fixed-wing aircraft, and 64 helicopters.
In addition, there is equipment, including pumps, hose, hand tools, tents, sprinkler kits, and chainsaw kits, from Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, and Quebec.
Forest fires can be reported by calling 310-FIRE (3473).