Town council on Monday night defeated a bylaw to build a sidewalk from Daniel Avenue to Wal-Mart as a “local improvement project,” meaning land owners whose property the sidewalk will be built over will not have to pay a portion of the cost of it.
However, council will meet again to discuss how to pay for the project, which currently is on the town’s construction schedule for this year.
Council on Monday also approved reports from the Police Services Board and Planning and Development executive committee regarding a request by Coun. Struchan Gilson to allow large commercial vehicles to access the international bridge from Church Street instead of being forced to go to the end of the line on those summer days when there are long line-ups.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council:
•referred a request from the Fort Frances Public Library board to adopt the property east of the Memorial Sports Centre as the site for the proposed new library to the Community Services and Planning and Development executive committees for a recommendation;
•approved four applications for tax refunds for local property owners;
•heard a presentation from resident Melvin Haukaas regarding the replacement of curbing in town;
•passed a bylaw to authorize the amendment to Subdivision Agreement A61951 between Jim’s Construction of Fort Frances Ltd. and the Town of Fort Frances; and
•approved a break-open ticket licence application from the Fort Frances Muskie Touchdown Booster Club from Aug. 1, 2005 to Jan. 31, 2006 at This N That.