Program asking council for funding


Town council will be asked tonight to provide funding and potential use of community facilities for the “Uniquely Me” program.
Co-ordinator Heather Jarvis will speak to council about the program, which is being offered within the public school system.
Created by Girl Scouts of America and Unilever, the program is designed to foster positive self-esteem among girls aged eight-17.
But the program depends on donations, and Jarvis is asking council for a $1,000 annual donation as well as potential use of community facilities.
Tonight’s council meeting is scheduled to start at 6:18 p.m. The committee of the whole will meet first at 5:30, but be in-camera until 6.
Other business on the agenda includes:
•a Fire and Rescue Master Plan update;
•a per diem claim for Coun. Paul Ryan;
•an update on capital projects;
•a request from Riverside Health Care Facilities, Inc. re: use of the Memorial Sports Centre and Sister Kennedy Centre as temporary shelter in case of evacuation of La Verendrye Hospital;
•a financial request from Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau re: the annual community Christmas dinner;
•a request from the Royal Canadian Legion Br. #29 re: proclaiming Nov. 5-11, 2011 as “Poppy Week” in the Town of Fort Frances.
•a request from J. Kivimaki and J. Fournier re: partial rebate on sewer and water billing;
•a bylaw to approve a service agreement with Darryl Allan, doing business as DA IT Consulting Services, for the provision of information technology services;
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with BFL Canada, in partnership with Gillons’ Insurance Ltd., as insurance provider for the period Nov. 1, 2011 to Oct. 31, 2012;
•correspondence from the Fort Frances Community Clinic asking council to appoint a voting member to the clinic board of directors;
•a memo from the City of International Falls re: improvements at the Land Port of Entry (LPOE) in International Falls;
•an Economic Development Advisory Committee resolution re: the Draft Economic Development Plan; and
•an invitation to the grand opening of the Red Lake Airport terminal building on Oct. 27.