‘Polar Plunge’ pre-registration slated

Val Martindale

The weather is getting colder, and winter is on the way.
Have you seen snowflakes yet? Yes, they are coming!
Snow and ice are inevitable—just like the “Polar Plunge”! What a way to warm up to the New Year!
The Voyageur Lions want you to jump in the lake on New Year’s Day. And to give you a head start, there will be pre-registration this Saturday (Oct. 29) from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Clover Valley Farmers’ Market.
Individuals and non-profit groups are invited to sign up for this year’s jump. There will be pledge forms and information packages available.
Come on out and meet “plungers” from previous years. If you are not a jumper, you still can make a pledge.
The Voyageur Lion also will be on hand to hand out treats!
Join the more than 60 jumpers who will brave the icy waters of Rainy Lake on Jan. 1.
This year, there will be more prizes for individuals who raise over $300, either as a part of a group or alone. The top groups also receive bonus prizes while every jumper gets a T-shirt.
Find out what you can win, either for your team or yourself!
If you cannot be at the farmers’ market on Saturday to sign up, call Bill Michl (274-1329) or Jim Martindale (274-7829) for more information and to register.
In Emo, call Dave Ogilvie at 482-2540.
Pledge forms also are available at La Place Rendez-Vous and the Emo Public Library.
Once again, the “Polar Plunge” is being sponsored by the Fort Frances Voyageur Lions Club and the Emo and District Lions Club.
Jumpers from Emo will be trying to beat the Fort Frances “plungers“ in a friendly rivalry.
Let’s see if the puddle jumpers from Emo can beat the experience of the hardy Voyageurs!
In other news, Lions also will be collecting used eye glasses at the Clover Valley Farmers’ Market this Saturday (Oct. 29).
Bring your used glasses and/or sunglasses to the drop box at the market to be eligible for a “Sight Night” prize.