Plenty vying for seats on Chamber board

For the first time in about a decade, there will be an election to decide who sits on the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors for the coming year.
“We’ve had a great response to people putting their names forward,” Chamber manager Dawn Booth said yesterday, noting 14 people so far have stepped up to fill the nine seats on the board.
“We’re waiting to hear back from a couple others, so that may change,” she added.
“This is definitely the first time since I’ve been here, in nine years, that we’ve ever had that many people interested,” Booth continued. “That’s good. Very positive.”
Booth said anyone else interested in putting their names forward can call her at 274-5773 before the Chamber’s general membership meeting this coming Tuesday (Nov. 27).
People also can be nominated from the floor at Tuesday’s meeting, which will run from 5-7 p.m. at the Fort Frances Curling Club.
Once it’s known who’s running, all Chamber members will be sent ballots (via fax, mail, or e-mail) to vote on who they’d like to see on the board.
The election results probably will be announced one-two weeks later after the membership has had time to vote and the ballots tabulated.
Booth said the board currently has only one vacancy, which was left by Brian Kahler in June, but she is expecting to see several current directors decline to put their names forward again.
Kelly Spicer (Curves for Women) will not be returning to the board after being a director for more than 10 years while Jeff Wright (Wright Physiotherapy), who first came aboard last year, also will be stepping down.
John Kantola, the acting campus manger at Confederation College here, will not be returning to the board, either, as his position at the college is up at the end of December.
The Chamber board also is looking for a new appointee from the Town of Fort Frances. Council agreed the seat, previously held by former councillor Tannis Drysdale, will be filled after the Jan .14 byelection.
For those interested in being a director, Booth noted you do not need to be a business owner to sit on the board, but your affiliated business must belong to the Chamber.
The responsibilities of a director are:
•to help formulate and review various policies, proposed actions, programs, and projects so that the best interest of the Chamber and community can be accomplished through concerted action;
•to provide the personal leadership, enthusiasm, and support necessary to help co-ordinate and build an effective organization geared to solving community problems; and
•to evaluate and act on issues which come, or should come, before the board of directors.
The current board of directors consists of Spicer, Wright, Kantola, Barb Cournoyer, Stephen Kontzie, Bev Kotnik, Kevin Nielson, and Pam Parsons.
The Chamber executive consists of president Christine Denby, first vice-president Cathy Emes, second vice-president Nancy Daley, treasurer Janet Plumridge, and past-president Gary Rogozinski.
Appointees include Geoff Gillon (RRFDC), Patti Anderson (BIA), Christine Jourdain (Couchiching FN), and Jane Gillon (MNDM).
Booth noted Tuesday’s meeting also is a mix-and-mingle event.
After the agenda (which includes a message from Denby, approval of minutes, a treasurer’s report, membership draw, and the nominations for the 2008 board), Mayor Roy Avis will be guest speaker.
He is expected to talk about his first year in office, plans and priorities for 2008, economic development issues, and how the business community and town can work together for the betterment of the community.
“It’s not only open to Chamber members. Any business that’s interested in hearing what Roy has to say is more than welcome to join us,” stressed Booth.