Perlett appeal may see light before end of year Tetu to go to Stony Mountain

Jamie Perlett, now serving a life sentence for the shooting deaths of his parents here in March, 1996, may see an appeal of his 1999 second-degree murder conviction brought forth sometime this year, his attorney said Tuesday.
“We finally received the transcripts about four months ago and we are
working on the factum,” noted Dan Brodsky.
“If all things go according to plan, we will have the argument completed and filed with the court of appeal by the end of July,” added Brodsky.
“The oral argument ought to be this winter before Christmas.”
Brodsky said waiting for the transcripts has been the one detriment over the past couple of years as he couldn’t prepare the appeal without them.
Brodsky had announced the intention to appeal his client’s conviction almost immediately following the sentencing, at which time he called the 18 years of jail time before Perlett would be eligible for parole excessively harsh.
Brodsky previously had stated he “wouldn’t abandon [Perlett] until there was nowhere in the legal system left to go.”
When the Ontario Court of Appeal hears Perlett’s appeal, it also will see an appeal from the Crown, which has asserted Justice Terrance Platana’s redirection of the charges against Perlett from first- to second-degree murder were wrong.
Perlett has been serving his sentence in Stony Mountain Penitentiary near Winnipeg.
Meanwhile, Brodsky said he was advised late last week that Michael Tetu, who was sentenced to 15 years in jail in connection with the shooting death of common-law wife, Deanna Daw, as well as a hostage-taking incident at the Fort Frances Jail last June, will be transferred to Stony Mountain Penitentiary to be classified as soon as the OPSEU strike is settled.
“His Honour’s [Justice Platana] ruling on the jail break attempt/hostage-taking incident will assist Mr. Tetu a lot in the classification process and will aid the National Parole Board when it comes time to apply for temporary absences and parole,” said Brodsky.
“His Honour ruled that the jail incident was a misconceived attempt by Mr. Tetu to draw attention to his belief that he would not receive a fair trial by a Fort Frances jury,” he added.
Tetu still is in jail here, waiting for the strike to be over before
he is shipped out. “The jail staff want him shipped out as well given his
history at the jail,” said Brodsky.
Prior to his trial, he stayed at the Kenora Jail, then he was moved to
Sault St. Marie and then to Sudbury, where he was living just before he
was brought back to this area for his trial, which ended before it began with Tetu pleading guilty to manslaughter.
Brodsky noted Tetu will have “far more privileges” at Stony Mountain Penitentiary, no matter how he is classified, due to the fact he was sentenced on a manslaughter charge and not second-degree murder.