‘Old Bags Lunch’ moved to spring

The “Old Bags Lunch” originally scheduled for Sept. 30 now will be held in the spring.
Joan Allison, with the special events committee for the Riverside Foundation for Health Care, noted a suitable date could not be secured before Christmas and therefore it would be held in the spring.
Stay tuned for more details.
“We will definitely be having it,” stressed Allison. “We have a lot of bags to give away and many people are holding onto their tickets.”
For those who already have purchased a ticket, Allison said they either could keep it until the new date is set, or they could contact her at 274-9484 or Lyn Henderson at 274-5781 to obtain a refund.
The “Old Bags Lunch” is a fundraiser for the Riverside Foundation for Health Care to support the purchase of medical equipment. The afternoon will include a bag lunch, as well as bags and bags of fun and games.
It is open to everyone.
For more information, contact Allison at 274-9484 or the Foundation office at 274-4803.