Nominees sought for teaching award


If there’s an outstanding educator in your life, now is the time to nominate them for this year’s Premier’s Awards for Teaching Excellence.
The annual awards are meant to recognize school and board staff from across the province who “make exceptional contributions to Ontario schools.”
The award has six different nomination categories, including Teacher of the Year, New Teacher of the Year, Excellent Support Staff, Excellence in Leadership, Team of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement.
This past year, Lori Kuzyk of Rainy River was one of the recipients.
Kuzyk, an educational assistant for more than 18 years who works at Rainy River High School, was recognized with the “Excellent Support Staff” category of the award.
The nomination deadline for this year’s awards is Feb. 1.
More information about the award, including nomination forms, are available online at
Award recipients are selected by an independent panel, consisting of members each representing a different viewpoint, including a parent, principal, student, support staff member, and teacher.
The winners are expected to be announced in the spring.