New store opens on Scott Street

They were lined up by the hundreds along Scott Street on Wednesday waiting for 9 a.m. to roll around. And when the doors swung open, it was non-stop action at the cash registers.
The Bargain Shop—Fort Frances’ newest business—describes itself as a marriage between a discount store and a general merchandise store. And if yesterday’s opening is any indication, there will many anniversaries to come.
“It was really good,” store manager Kent Oar said Thursday morning. “It was extremely busy right through until closing.”
The opening was attended by Oar, Bargain Shop district manager Brent Witherspoon, local Chamber of Commerce president Gary Rogozinski, and Fort Frances Mayor Dan Onichuk, who cut the ribbon to mark the occasion.
The store is located on the premises of the former SAAN store, which closed earlier this year, but patrons should notice some significant changes.
“There is a big difference,” noted Witherspoon. “There is better quality, better prices, and a greater selection.”
There was more than that Wednesday. The first 100 customers through the door were presented with lottery tickets, including some that turned out to be winners.
Those tickets didn’t last long, however. “They were gone in five minutes,” Oar said.
The store also is offering grand-opening specials on a variety of items that were listed in a special flyer distributed with Wednesday’s Times. Oar said those deals will continue to be honoured until closing time on Sunday.
The store’s hours are 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. on Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday, and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday.