Rainy River District School Board trustees will take their oath tonight as the inaugural meeting of the new board gets underway at 7 p.m. at the Education Centre here.
The board for the 2014-18 term includes David Kircher, who was re-elected in the Oct. 27 municipal election, as well as Michael Lewis, Dianne McCormack, and Ralph Hill, who were acclaimed.
The new trustees are Raymond Roy and Donald McBride.
A chair, vice-chair, and OPSBA representative (board of directors/alternate) will be chosen tonight.
Also at tonight’s meeting, the board will:
•present J.W. Walker School with the Recognition of Excellence for promoting opportunities for student leadership, belongingness, and school connectedness;
•hear a presentation about Applied Behavioural Analysis supports;
•look to approve the 2013-14 financial statements that will be presented;
•look to approve the details of the Unappropriated, Internally-Appropriated, and Unavailable for Compliance components of Accumulated Surplus in the 2013-14 financial statements that will be presented;
•look to approve the following policies: 5.76 (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Students) and 3.52 (Criminal Background Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening);
•look to approve the following policies for stakeholder consultation: 1.20 (Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee), 2.70 (Healthy School Food and Beverage), and 3.46 (Performance Appraisal);
•look to rescind the following policies: 3.53 (Service Providers) and 5.75 (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students);
•look to approve the transfer of $1,378,791 from internally-restricted accumulated surplus as projects are complete; and
•look to approve an internally-restricted reserve for the Donald Young School renovation for $5,871,911.
The committee of the whole will meet in-camera (behind closed doors) following the public session.