Last week, the Fort Frances BIA and the Times launched a poll, to see what residents would like to see on top of the light posts on Scott Street. The Canadian Flag took the top spot, with 39 per cent of votes, followed closely by a maple leaf with 31 per cent. A star took last place, with four per cent, while a bass took 11 per cent. However, 15 per cent of the 190 votes elected “Other”, which offered a write-in option. Curious what people said? We were too, so we asked our web team for the list! “Nothing” was the clear winner of the write-in camp, with five people expressing a desire for plain lamp posts, whether for aesthetic reasons, or to divert funds to street repair. Here are the other write-in submissions:
Nothing/plain (five entries)
“Caution: Potholes” sign
A variety of different figures on top (but no stars)
Fish & Wildlife eg: bass, deer, moose, walleye, fox, beaver
Loggers from years ago till now
The animals representing the seven sacred teachings to honour the Anishinaabe culture, make sure to hire an Anishinaabe artist.
A feather on every second post along with the maple leaf on the other posts
Canadian & Fort Frances flags
Red Maple Leaf with gold trim, alternating with Gold Maple Leaf with black trim. Should be more traditional to the Town and Country. Not Fishing etc.
Eagle feather
No American flag – we are Canadian!!! Put a tree and river.
A few whirligigs would actually cause people to LOOK. Yes, flags or fish might be representing whatever, but several well made whirligigs would capture attention. Suggestions: person paddling a canoe; bass fishing couple casting from a boat; our Hallett rocking in the waves! And so on. The ideas are endless and with motion not boring!
Something with some colour representing Rainy Lake and nothing that has the American flag on it
Something that commemorates the establishment of the town (history)
Sunset silhouette out of cast iron
Pine tree