With 180 water meters having run their course and needing to be replaced, the majority of industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) customers in Fort Frances will be getting new ones this year.
Town council agreed at last night’s regular meeting to enter into a contract with Elster Metering, of Burlington, Ont., at an estimated cost of $244,846.65 (incl. HST).
The contractor will be installing 180 ICI water meters locally, replacing those which have reached the end of their life cycle.
It also is installing 299 Energy Axis water 2.0 modules on ICI water meters, which will enable automatic meter reading for all 299 local ICI customers.
The automatic water meter reading is piggy-backing on the existing smart meter reading system put in place by the Fort Frances Power Corp.
Each ICI customer will be responsible for the following:
•a portion of the one-time fee to connect to the FFPC’s Energy Axis Automatic Meter Read (AMR) system at an estimated cost of $56.52 per customer;
•the cost to supply and install the Energy Axis water 2.0 module, which will range from $112-$193, depending on the installation requirements; and
•the supply and installation of a water meter, with a backflow prevention device and connection to the Energy Axis water 2.0 module, at a cost ranging from $535.28-$11,709.96 or more, depending on the size of the meter and necessary installation requirements.
However, all ICI customers will have a payment plan option, at the town’s established charges, to pay off the new water meters.
Customers can make arrangements with the finance department once their new meter is installed.
Looking ahead, starting in 2012, all ICI water customers will be charged an additional monthly water meter maintenance and replacement fee, which will be based on the size of the meter and average installation cost, as well as a 15-year replacement cycle.
Administration will be including all pertinent information on establishing this monthly charge when council discusses establishing the 2012 water and sewer fees.
The project is scheduled to be substantially completed by Oct. 31, with total completion no later than Dec. 5.
This is so January, 2012 billing for November/December, 2011 can be completed using the automatic meter reading system.
Also at last night’s meeting, council:
•referred a request from Environment Canada for permission to install two water monitoring gauges on the Rainy River near Pither’s Point to the Operations and Facilities executive committee for its recommendation;
•approved the adjustment of taxes at 1048 Cornwall Ave. N. 650 Fifth St. W., 704 Armit Ave., and Plan SM122 Lot 5, PCL Plan 1;
•authorized the mayor and clerk to enter into an accreditation agreement with Canadian General Standard Board (this is for accreditation of the municipal drinking water system);
•approved an adjustment to aviation fuel pump prices at the Fort Frances Airport (the new pump prices, effective July 26, are set at $2.11/litre for 100LL while Jet A-1 will be $1.82/litre, incl. HST);
•received Minutes of Settlement for properties located at 704 Armit Ave. and 1000 Patcin Ave.; and
•supported the Fort Frances Aquanauts Swim Team advertising banner request in the amount of $100.