More donations needed for furniture sale

After holding a similar fundraiser in 2002, the Riverside Foundation for Health Care is planning another giant used furniture sale next month and is looking for items.
“We’ve received quite a bit of stuff already, but we’re looking for more,” Foundation director Teresa Hazel said Monday. “There’s been a steady number of donations throughout the summer.
“We’ve got some real antiques this time and we’re excited about that,” she enthused.
The sale will be held Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Couchiching Recreation Centre, located on Highway 11 across from the C.C. Complex.
Once again, items may be donated (with all proceeds from sales going to the Foundation) or sold on consignment.
“We’ll charge 15 percent of the sale price for a consignment fee and you tell us the price you want to get for the item,” explained Joan Allison, who chairs the Foundation’s special events committee.
“If you’re cleaning out your basement, garage, or cabin, or think it’s time to replace your old furniture, you can call us,” she added.
Hazel said the Foundation would prefer if donors could hold onto their furniture until the day before the sale since organizers currently only have so much room to store it.
But if for whatever reason a donor has to get that item off their hands now, the Foundation can arrange to do that, too.
The 2002 sale raised more than $5,000 for district health care.
“It was very successful. There was lots of stuff and lots of people who were looking for stuff,” noted Hazel, adding the Foundation wanted to wait a while before having a second furniture sale in order to keep the concept fresh.
If you have items you’d like to sell or give away, contact Allison (274-9484) or Hazel (274-4803).
Once again, all proceeds will be used to purchase medical equipment for the three health centres in Rainy River District.