More clothing items sought


The United Native Friendship Centre is gearing up for its semi-annual clothing giveaway—and is in need of more donations.
“We don’t have a lot right now and we’d like more,” said Karly Rousseau, an aboriginal family support worker.
She added they’ll be focusing on clothes for the summer season.
“We’ll take any donations but people are going to be looking for clothing for the warmer months,” Rousseau reasoned.
Donations can be dropped off at the Circle of Life building (616 Mowat Ave.) until the end of the day tomorrow.
They will accept clothing of all sizes—for men, women, and children.
The clothing giveaway then will be held there Friday (April 24) from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and again Saturday (April 25) from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. (use the First Street East entrance).
“We’ve changed our days this year,” noted Rousseau.
In past years, the clothing giveaway was held at the beginning of the week.
“It doesn’t give us a lot of time for set-up,” she admitted, though noting she has no doubt they will be ready in time.
“We’re hoping we will get more people in to pick up clothes,” Rousseau said, referring to the date change.
“Maybe we’ll catch the garage salers,” she reasoned.
“We’ll give it a try and see how it goes.”
Rousseau stressed the clothing giveaway is open to everyone in the community.
“We really hope people come out and utilize this service,” she said.
Any leftover clothing will be donated to the Diabetes Clothesline.
For more information, call the Aboriginal Family Support Program at 274-8541.