Moffat Fund to be divvied up again

For the fifth-straight year, the Town of Fort Frances will be receiving money from the Moffat Family Fund to hand out to local groups and service clubs with the aim of helping youth and families.
While the town expects to receive official notification of this before Christmas, right now it looks like Fort Frances is eligible for $50,000 in funds to be redistributed to local worthwhile causes, CAO Mark McCaig said in a written report received by council at Monday night’s regular meeting.
Administrative assistant Lori Pattison said yesterday the town likely will put out a call for applicants in the new year as the deadline for applications will be March 31.
As in previous years, non-profit organizations are welcome to apply but must keep in mind that funding proposals must benefit children, families, and the “less advantaged.”
Last year’s recipients, who were awarded their cheques on Feb. 27 of this year, included:
•Robert Moore School Council—$7,300 for new playground equipment;
•Salvation Army—$6,200 to continue delivering aid to the less fortunate;
•Fort Frances Youth Soccer—$6,000 to help pay for improvements at the St. Francis Sportsfields;
•Coming Together for Kids Coalition—$5,000 for its car seat donor program;
•Rainy River District Community Policing Committee—$4,000 for its “Fishing for Futures” program (where OPP officers take youth outdoors);
•Rainy River Watershed Program—$3,500 to help bring students to its 2007 ManOMin conference;
•Family and Children’s Services—$3,000 for a crafts/social recreation program for special needs children;
•Friends of Little League—$3,000 for equipment and to waive fees for kids who can’t afford registration to play baseball;
•Sunset Country Squash Club—$3,000 to develop a program for youth who can’t afford to play other, more expensive sports;
•Canadian Mental Health Association—$2,500 for resources to identify and treat early psychosis;
•Rainy Lake Air Cadet Squadron—$2,500 to continue its programming;
•Fort Frances Meals on Wheels—$2,000 to continue its programming; and
•Valley Adult Learning Association—$2,000 for computer upgrades.
Individuals and organizations were invited last fall to submit their requests, including a specific dollar amount and the rationale behind the request, to the local committee.
A total of 30 applicants responded, requesting about $231,000 in funding in all.