Town council will vote tonight to approve an agreement to rent space at the airport maintenance garage to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
Council approval will authorize the mayor and clerk to enter into a three-month licence agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment & Infrastructure so the MNRF can rent a maintenance bay in the garage for the storage of two snowmobiles and a snowmobile trailer.
This will be at a rate of $3,922.34 (all applicable taxes extra) per term for the storage of MNRF equipment (this equals $100.60 per day).
This agreement will not affect the airport operation in any capacity.
The committee of the whole will meet first at 5:30 p.m., with the regular council meeting to follow.
Tonight’s agenda also includes:
•a police activities report from Insp. Steve Shouldice, detachment commander of the Rainy River District OPP;
•a report by Mayor Roy Avis on last week’s Rural Ontario Municipal Association/Ontario Goods Road Association conference in Toronto;
•a request for financial support from the Rainy River District Festival for the Performing Arts;
•notice of an advertising opportunity from the North of Superior Travel Association;
•a request from Keri Rafter, Red Cross disaster management co-ordinator, to raise the Red Cross flag and declare March as “Red Cross Month” in the Town of Fort Frances;
•a request from Stephen Covey of “Operation Lifesaver” to proclaim April 27-May 3 as “Public-Rail Safety Week” in Fort Frances;
•a bylaw to authorize the entering into of a renewal lease agreement with Bearskin Lake Air Service LP at the Fort Frances Airport;
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with the minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through its Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)—Application-Based Component (this is the $2 million the town is getting to fix the stretch of King’s Highway from east of York Avenue to Wright Avenue);
•a recommendation re: a funding request from the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce for tourism and marketing dollars;
•per diem claims from Couns. John Albanese and Paul Ryan; and
•a report from Human Resources manager Aaron Petrin re: an increase to the Moffat Family Fund.